We are celebrating the support of the many volunteers of the Historical Museum. Thank you for a wonderful 2024!
Join us for a celebratory end-of-year meeting of “Friends” at a special location! We will be gathering at our fellow local history-focused museum, Old Cowtown Museum on Tuesday, December 17th from 12-1pm.
Meeting and refreshments will be at the Visitor’s Center located at Cowtown’s Main Entrance – 1865 Museum Blvd.
Please help us in planning our refreshments by confirming your interest in attending. RSVP not required to attend.
(museum@wichitahistory.org; 316-265-9314)
We look forward to seeing you there!
All Museum Volunteers are invited!
Not a volunteer yet? Get more information on our Volunteer page or find us on VolunteerKansas and volunteerICT!