The Historical Museum presents our 17th Annual Essay Contest
Sponsored by the DeVore Family Fund.
Based on the 2024-25 National History Day theme: “Rights & Responsibilities in History”
Two winners, one winner from each of the following grade ranges (6-8 & 9-12), will receive a $250 prize and a collection of books for their class!
Contest Rules:
- All Sedgwick County students in grades 6-12 in a public, private, or parochial school, or those who are homeschooled are eligible.
- The topic must be focused on Wichita and/or Sedgwick County history.
- The entire essay must be the student’s original work.
- Entries must be 300-600 words in length.
- Any essay with information copied directly from sources without the use of quotation marks and cited resources will be disqualified.
- The essay is to be handwritten in ink, typed, or prepared on a computer word processor, using black type in a non-script font no smaller than 12 point or larger than 14 point.
- Please include a Title Page with the following information:
- Title of the essay
- Contestant’s full name and age
- Contestant’s complete mailing address
- Telephone number
- Email address (if available)
- Name of contestant’s school with grade level indicated
- Essays must have a bibliography listing all references utilized. Internet resources, if used, should be cited in a similar format, along with the web address used to access the document online.
Contest Parameters:
- Entries may be turned in at the Historical Museum front desk or mailed to the Historical Museum at the following address:
- 204 S. Main Wichita, Kansas 67202
- Entries must be received by April 15, 2025
- Essays will be judged on historical accuracy, originality, content, adherence to theme, organization of material, spelling, and grammar.
Check out the essay webpage for printable flyers and handouts!